Dear Candidate
As a candidate standing for office in the Milton Keynes local elections 2022, you’ll no doubt be aware The Point has been under threat of demolition for some time. Having narrowly escaped that fate with previous owner Hammerson, the new owner Galliard Homes have committed themselves to the same goal.
You’ll also be aware that The Point is a much loved icon and landmark in MK; a part of our heritage and identity for which a petition to save it has attracted close to 5000 signatures. Due to successive owner’s refusal to invest in the building it has sadly never been given a second chance to flourish. The proposed demolition is also poor for the environment – did you know a report last year by RIBA showed building demolitions are a major cause of carbon emissions when compared to refurbishment?
Our grassroots campaign position is that the ziggurat should be kept, whilst the unusable cinema screens can be open to redevelopment. This forms part of our Three Point Charter, alongside making it not-for-profit driven and open to all. We believe suitable provisions can be made under section 106 to restore The Point and repurpose it for the good of the community.
As a ward councillor candidate, we ask you your position on The Point and whether or not you think it should be saved? You can email us your answer at or contact us through any of our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Yours faithfully,