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The Point goes up for sale

Before planning permission expired for The Point in March of 2021, Hammerson began the process of selling the freehold to The Point, and promptly advertised the building for sale on 9 July 2021 via property agents Savills.

The sales brochure for The Point hailed the sale as a “brownfield redevelopment and investment opportunity” with a “positive planning history” and “residential redevelopment potential”. The brochure goes on to detail the sale of two separate freeholds, one for The Point’s ziggurat and cinema screens, and a second for the multi-storey car park to the rear.

The finer print goes on to to detail that residential feasibility studies have been undertaken, indicating a scheme of circa 450 apartments may be possible on the site, with potential for more were the multi-storey redeveloped to cater for increased parking.

With the correct credentials you can view the sale details at the Savills website, or view the brochure below.

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Outline Planning Permission

In 2013 owner and retail developer Hammerson submiited for outline planning permission for the demolition of The Point and redevelopment of the site to provide “a range of retail and leisure” facilities. A stark contrast to the facilities the current building provides… or not. Sadly, the minutes of the meeting read as a foregone conclusion with a little altruistic tokenism for the community groups in the building.

…raised concerns in respect of the message that would be sent out to developers in general in the event that the application was refused and the need to attract investment to Milton Keynes.

Councillor Andrew Geary, Newport Pagnell North & Hanslope, Conservative
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